Just Say NO to a Free Roof Inspection

roof of a house
Roofing scams tend to occur after a big storm or natural disaster. In our little corner of the ...
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How your roof affects home insurance and claims payout

picture of a man on a roof taking measurements
When it comes to homeowners insurance, your roof has always mattered. However it's never mattered more than now. ...
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Why do I have to pay two deductibles for my insurance claim?

a stack of money
Thankfully this situation doesn't happen that often. But when it does, the confusion and anger that the insured ...
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Join us for Flag Exchange 2024 at Alan Galvez Insurance

picture of an American flag
This event is designed to honor our flag, Flag Day and the many men and women who have ...
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Does my U.S. car insurance cover my car in Canada?

Canadian Non-resident Inter-provincial Motor Vehicle Liability Card
Many people routinely drive into Canada without thinking if their car insurance will provide coverage in the event ...
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Homeowners insurance is NOT a warranty

We've seen a trend the last few years of customers turning in homeowners insurance claims anytime something goes ...
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When NOT to file a homeowners insurance claim

picture of an insurance claim form sitting on a computer keyboard
When I first started in this industry, it was very common to submit a homeowners insurance claim every ...
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Join us for Flag Exchange 2023 at Alan Galvez Insurance

American flag with bald eagle in background
This event is designed to honor our flag, Flag Day and the many men and women who have ...
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Should I buy the rental car insurance?

picture of a car rental sign
Here's the answer you've come to love- MAYBE. Insurance is regulated by state law, so I can only ...
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Buying renters insurance through the leasing company? Read this first

picture of house, family with an umbrella that says renters insurance
We've run into several situations lately where a customer moves into an apartment complex and buys the renters ...
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Money Saving Tips for Parents of Teen Drivers

coins in rows with a jar full of coins
Once the excitement of your teen driver getting his license wears off, reality hits and you ask the ...
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Tips to Keep Your Teenage Driver Safe

teenage girl siting in driver's seat leaning out window holding car keys
For a teenager, there really isn’t a greater day than getting your driver’s license. And for a parent, ...
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What if I’m hit by someone who does not have car insurance?

2 vehicle car accident
Unfortunately, we've seen this happen more often than we'd like. And if you're the driver who's been hit, ...
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What is CLUE and how does it affect my insurance?

computer keyboard with insurance claim written on it
CLUE is an abbreviation for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. What is it? It's a claims history database produced ...
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Is homeowners insurance included with a new home purchase?

sold sign in front of house
Even 26 years into this business, there are still surprises from time to time. Like the above question, ...
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I’m staying in my home after I sell it. What do I need to do with my homeowners insurance?

picture of homeowners insurance policy
So you've decided to sell your home, but are staying there for a period of time after the ...
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Is gap insurance worth it?

vehicle sitting on top of a descending pile of coins
If you've recently bought a new car and had to take out a loan to purchase it, then ...
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Why are my auto insurance and home insurance premiums increasing in 2022?

the word cost sitting on an arrow pointing upward
After two years of flat and even decreasing premiums, 2022 is going to be a different story. Most ...
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Flag Day, Flag Week and the flag exchange at Alan Galvez Insurance

American flag on flagpole
After a brief hiatus (although it feels like forever), our annual flag exchange program has returned! This event ...
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Top Three Reasons to Avoid State Minimum Car Insurance

watch out sign
Whether it's an ad with a general, a lizard or a catchy jingle, all of them say the ...
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Subrogation: The Best Insurance You Never Knew About

the word subrogation with a gavel
Subrogation is by far the BEST tool you have in the event of a claims issue. But unless ...
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What is a mortgage escrow account and how does it work?

picture of an escrow account statement
It's an exciting time for you- after months of house shopping, you've found the home of your dreams. ...
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When do I need commercial auto insurance?

van driving down highway
Commercial auto insurance is similar to personal auto insurance and includes such coverage as liability, medical payments, uninsured/underinsured ...
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Actual cash value vs. Replacement cost homeowners insurance

woman with question marks above her head
Let's face it- unless you're in insurance, you probably don't spend too much time reading about insurance, let ...
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How fault and liability is determined in an Ohio car accident

two people looking at their cars after an accident
In many car accidents, it's pretty clear who's at fault, so the at-fault driver's insurance company accepts liability ...
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What is homeowners liability insurance and what does it cover?

the word liability on a black background
Ohio homeowners insurance is what is commonly referred to as a "package" policy, meaning it includes coverage for both ...
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What is Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists coverage?

two car accident
Let's be honest, unless you're in the insurance business, you probably don't know what uninsured and underinsured motorists ...
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Does Car Insurance Cover a Friend Driving Your Car?

group of young adults in a car
Time for your favorite answer: MAYBE. While there are many black and white situations in insurance, there are ...
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Does my car insurance or home insurance cover flood damage?

flooded street with cars
Although Ohio isn't known for major weather catastrophes, the surge of heavy rains over the past few years ...
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My Car Was Broken Into: What Does My Insurance Cover?

car broken windshield
It’s a scene that strikes fear in many of us: You go to bed one evening and wake ...
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What happens when you file a homeowners insurance claim?

picture of house with insurance claim form
Have you ever had an Ohio homeowners insurance claim? If you don't know what to expect, it can ...
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But I was not at fault in that car accident…why is it on my record?

car accident
Let's say you're shopping for new Ohio car insurance. You provide all the details necessary to get a ...
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Why Did My Mortgage Escrow Account Payment Increase?

stack of dollar bills
Although a mortgage escrow account is technically not insurance, we're going to discuss it here because one of ...
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How does car insurance work if I hit my own car?

car accident
While you may be shaking your own head, thinking "No way is this possible!", I'm here to tell ...
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Top 4 Reasons to File an Insurance Claim

insurance claim form
The insurance industry has done a pretty decent job of educating the public that when you’re involved in ...
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How animal damage is handled by auto insurance and homeowners insurance

group of raccoons
You attempt to start your car one morning, and it won’t start. So you have it towed to ...
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Top Four (4) Questions to ask BEFORE filing a car insurance claim

car accident
If you're lucky, you've never been involved in an auto accident. But that doesn't mean it will never ...
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Top Seven (7) Reasons Your Homeowners Insurance Premium Increased

outline of house with upward facing arrow
So you just received your Ohio homeowners insurance renewal and noticed that your premium increased. Your first question is, naturally, ...
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Top 5 Myths About Renters Insurance

Signs saying Myths and Facts
If you think your landlord has you covered, think again. Whether you live in a rented property or ...
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Can I transfer my homeowners insurance from one home to another?

person holding a small house in their hand
Here comes your favorite answer: MAYBE. The answer depends on what type of homeowners insurance policy you have. ...
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Top 5 Reasons People Don’t Buy Life Insurance- Don’t Make the Same Mistakes

Are You Covered sign
Reason #1- "I'll get around to it" and never do- TRUE Story I don't even remember now how ...
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Top 2 homeowners insurance problems when your mortgage lender changes

mortgage loan application
Whether you re-finance your mortgage or the mortgage is sold off to a different lender, your Ohio homeowners insurance ...
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How does a condo agreement affect my condo insurance?

picture of condo
Although condos (condominiums) have been around for a long time, they have been gaining popularity over the past ...
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What is NOT covered on my homeowners insurance?

homeowners insurance policy
Whether you're an established homeowner or buying your first home, you already know that having a solid Ohio homeowners ...
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What a percentage deductible means for your homeowners insurance

percent signs
Have you looked at your Ohio homeowners insurance policy lately? Hint: it's Ok if you say No. Insurance ...
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5 Medicare Supplement Scams to Watch Out For

Displays the words Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan
My agency has long focused on working with senior citizens as they approach Medicare age, mainly by offering  ...
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What is accessory coverage on motorcycle insurance?

Being a motorcycle rider myself, I'm immensely proud of my "scoot." I've even been teased and penned as ...
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Homeowners insurance and swimming pools

swimming pool
Whether you're looking to buy a home that has a swimming pool OR are considering installing one at ...
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Does personal umbrella insurance cover you as a board member?

Board of directors at a meeting
Do you serve on a board of directors? As a way to "give back", many people serve on ...
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Does umbrella insurance cover medical malpractice?

Picture of Caduceus
Get ready for everyone's favorite answer: It depends. Truthfully, the answer to this question could easily differ depending ...
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What’s an Act of God and is it covered under my homeowners insurance?

Act of God sign
Every once in a while, we get questions that make us really stop and think. Case in point- ...
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Why am I getting a bill when I let my insurance policy cancel?

past due bills
One of the most common questions we receive from customers goes something like this: I just let my ...
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Fallen trees on your property- who’s responsible?

fallen tree in yard
We previously discussed fallen trees and what coverage the Ohio homeowners insurance policy provides for repair and cleanup. ...
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Does homeowners insurance cover fallen trees?

fallen tree on roof
One of the most common Ohio homeowners insurance claims we encounter is a tree falling on a property. Of course, ...
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Top Two (2) Reasons To Close Your Insurance Claim

insurance claim form
If you submit an Ohio auto insurance or home insurance claim and then decide you no longer want the insurance company involved, ...
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Does homeowners insurance automatically renew?

sign that says renew
As a general rule, Ohio homeowners insurance does automatically renew. BUT.......there are SOME exceptions. Read on for TWO common automatic ...
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Is the homeowners insurance quote I got in the mail for real?

man with question marks surrounding him
So you open your mail and see a quote from ABC Insurance Agency "customized just for you!" You ...
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Top 2 reasons you need Personal Umbrella Insurance if you have a Teen Driver

car accident
I’m going to be honest- this is one of those articles I NEVER wanted to write. There is ...
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Top 5 reasons car insurance claims are delayed…. with solutions

car accident
Luckily, most Ohio car insurance claims are handled well and settled pretty quickly. But sometimes, they aren’t. And ...
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Does homeowners insurance cover dog bite claims?

dog face
As a general rule, coverage for dog bite claims comes from the liability section of your Ohio homeowners, condo or renters insurance policy. ...
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Homeowners insurance for a new construction home

building a new home
So you're making the leap and building a new home. Let the fun begin! However, in between picking ...
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What Happens When Your Car is Totaled?

car accident
If you are ever involved in an auto accident in Ohio, and the damages are serious enough, chances ...
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Is Ohio a No-Fault State for Car Insurance?

word fault written on chalkboard
Easy answer- No. However, that doesn't make a very long blog or helpful blog post ;) So, in ...
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Top 10 Reasons Your Car Insurance Premium Increased

arrow pointing upward
So you just received your Ohio car insurance renewal and noticed that your premium increased. Maybe even a lot.  And ...
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If my garage catches fire will my homeowners insurance cover my car?

burned car in garage
Fire is still the number one cause of loss for an Ohio homeowners insurance policy.  Not only can a ...
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What are the differences between Water Backup and Flood?

Water Backup vs Flood
Each seems each year brings more rain to Ohio, and more water in basements. However, homeowners insurance policies ...
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What is NOT covered under a Personal Umbrella insurance policy

umbrella icon
Just like any insurance policy, an Ohio umbrella insurance policy doesn't cover everything. This article lists several common exclusions, including two ...
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How to switch your Ohio car insurance at any time

how to switch car insurance
This article clears up a big assumption about when you can switch car insurance. By reading this article, ...
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Liability Only vs. Full Coverage Car Insurance- How to Choose

car accident
Let's be honest- we've all said "Full Coverage" in reference to car insurance. Even us insurance agents have ...
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Can I get car insurance on a vehicle with a salvage title?

tow truck
The answer is a resounding “Probably.” Yes, I know how much you hate answers like that, BUT Ohio car ...
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How to Change Homeowners Insurance with a Mortgage Escrow Account

escrow sign
When you buy a home, especially the first time, your lender will often require a mortgage escrow account ...
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The problem with Roofing and Siding claims- and a homeowners insurance solution

roof damage
In the many Ohio homeowners insurance claims we've seen over the years, roofing and siding claims cause the most frustration ...
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How To Handle a Car Accident on Private Property in Ohio

parking lot with cars
A car accident on private property can often work differently than accidents on public roadways. This article walks ...
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How Much Does General Liability Insurance cost?

office with people
If you're thinking about taking the leap into business ownership, there are many things to consider and insurance ...
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How To Get your new Ohio Driver License

driver license icon
Although Ohio changed it's driver license a few years ago, not everyone has had a chance to renew ...
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